With close to 70% of the United States using Facebook on a regular basis, it is imperative to maintain an active presence on the site. Not only does this include organic posting and coaxing clients to “Like” your page, but also using the platform to get in front of prospective patients.
Not only do Americans visit Facebook on a regular basis, they spend a considerable amount of time on the site daily. Close to 40 minutes every day! This allows Facebook to acquire a lot of data on visitor characteristics. What they like, who their friends are, where they go and more! This data is used on a regular basis by Facebook’s algorithms in well
US Lead Network’s Facebook Marketing Team are Partners with Facebook and handle millions of dollars in annual spend. There are MANY techniques that go into a successful campaign so that healthcare practices achieve the desired goal(s) without significant wasteful spending.
Here are the Top 10 elements of a successful Facebook marketing campaign:
- Facebook Platform Selection(s)
- Creative
- Text
- Audience Demographics
- Custom or Look Alike Audience
- Landing Page Optimization
- A/B Testing with Attribution
- Retargeting
- Post and Lead Response
- Regular Campaign Review, Revision
Most Facebook marketing companies focus on the first few, leading to significant wasted dollars. This is a big mistake, and it’s important to spend time on all elements to make sure the best results are obtained for the least amount of spend.
It’s not uncommon for US Lead Network to inherit campaigns that have been poorly developed and monitored. With a suboptimal campaign being properly optimized, lead counts can often be doubled for the same amount of spend!
Facebook Platform Selection(s)
Facebook offers quite a few options for campaigns such as branding campaigns, pay per click, lead ads, product carousels and retargeting ones. There is typically not a silver bullet so a combination typically proves to be the best option. Proper testing and attribution can lead to the proper ratio of spend between them to achieve the best outcomes.

As a person scrolls through a Facebook feed, you’ll need to catch their eye. This means having a compelling image, video and headline too. It helps to come up with several options and test them out, and also to change creatives frequently. Why? People get ad fatigue if they see the same creative over and over! So change it up every couple of weeks.
Ad Text
When it comes to ad text, it is critical to convey your offer quickly. You only have a second or two to capture a viewer’s attention. So don’t beat around the bush! Make your offer catchy by using ad techniques such as contrasting text, a special offer, interesting numbers or testimonials.
US Lead Network has several writers that put together ads in conjunction with clients to effectively and succinctly capture viewer’s attention.

Audience Demographics
Facebook offers a lot of selections when it comes to age, gender, location, employment, education, spoken language and more. If your practice caters to a certain demographic, it makes sense to market to them and not people who are outside of it!
At the same time, you can deploy campaigns that are catered to different demographics to see which converts the best. US Lead Network’s Facebook Marketing Team for patient acquisition are experts in setting up demographics in your campaigns for achieving best results!
Custom or Look Alike Audience
US Lead Network uses both Custom and Look Alike Audiences with Facebook campaigns. This involves using your practice database of patients and/or leads to generate one of the following:
- New leads that “look like” your database of patients with characteristics.
- Offering to your existing database of patients something to get them to come back in. This is a Custom audience campaign.
It’s not easy to set these campaigns up, so it’s best to work with someone who has extensive experience with them. US Lead Network does!

Landing Page Optimization
When you set up Facebook ads, your landing page needs to match the ad message. If it doesn’t, your visitors will NOT convert!
There are several subtle and overt landing page optimization methods that should be used to make sure conversions are at the highest level possible. One example would be not to place a link to your main website on the landing page. This can decrease conversions by NOT leading the prospect to doing what you really want, which is to make contact!
Other ones would include making sure all phone numbers have click to call functionality, having conversion codes in place for forms, placing the Facebook pixel on the back end for retargeting and making sure a great call to action is in place at the top of the page!
A/B Testing with Attribution
While it’s great to think that you got it right the first time with your marketing campaign, the reality is you probably don’t! Marketing campaigns need to be tested against each other, with small and large variations to understand what is converting the best.
Without testing, money gets wasted. So whether it’s variations of verbiage, color scheme, or even which platform to use, the key is to try them out in a coordinated fashion so that results can be ascertained. There is a big difference between a “spray and pray” method of marketing, versus a “surgical incision” method.
US Lead Network will work with you on campaigns that involve A/B testing to make sure your marketing dollars are being deployed the best way!
Many years ago, Zig Zigler stated that it takes over five exposures to a brand to generate a viable sales lead. Unfortunately, since Zig’s books were published that “exposure” number has gotten significantly higher!
So how to implement retargeting with your prospects to turn them into viable sales leads? It takes persistence, which may include email marketing, social media retargeting, webinars, and paid advertising retargeting.
This coordinated effort takes work! Someone needs to generate significant content and creative for the channels, and the touch point campaigns are critical to space out properly. When done judiciously, you will reap the benefits of retargeting while your competitors will stop short.
US Lead Network works with healthcare practices regularly to generate touch point campaigns that routinely “remind” leads that you are ready to help!
Landing Page Optimization
When you set up Facebook ads, your landing page needs to match the ad message. If it doesn’t, your visitors will NOT convert!
There are several subtle and overt landing page optimization methods that should be used to make sure conversions are at the highest level possible. One example would be not to place a link to your main website on the landing page. This can decrease conversions by NOT leading the prospect to doing what you really want, which is to make contact!
Other ones would include making sure all phone numbers have click to call functionality, having conversion codes in place for forms, placing the Facebook pixel on the back end for retargeting and making sure a great call to action is in place at the top of the page!
Regular Campaign Review, Revision
Digital marketing campaigns should never be left alone with a hope and a prayer they will work. Each campaign needs routine monitoring with revisions on the parts that are not working well. This may include demographic tweaking, expanded or reduced geography, bid adjustments and/or revisions to the creative.
Thankfully, US Lead Network understands how to put together first rate campaigns and to review them for best results. Tweaking is critical, and the optimal overview is to be able to see all the way through what exactly is happening.
For instance, this may include lead creation, then call recording and transcribing to see which leads are best. US Lead Network uses a conversational analytics tool that scores leads based on the transcription, with a “back tracking” capability to see if the best leads are from certain days/times of the week or from specific Facebook campaigns.
To receive the best Facebook Marketing and maximize your social media spend, let US Lead Network evaluate your practice today. We will help you understand what you’re doing right and wrong, and help optimize your Facebook marketing to fill up your practice!
(888) 797-2696